guide d'achat voir une démoTimeControl 8.6 maintenant disponible pour tous nos clients
Voir la liste des nouvelles fonctionnalités...Ce que disent nos clients
There are very strict requirements for time tracking for R&D Tax Credits and thanks to TimeControl we are in a position to respond to these requirements.

We are completely satisfied with doing business with TimeControl.

We’re quickly realizing that we can do a lot more with our timekeeping data than we ever have.

TimeControl has allowed our employees to focus on getting their work done rather than chasing after administrative tasks and wasting valuable time and resources.

The users of TimeControl within US Properties are incredibly happy with the TimeControl product and look forward to a long-term association.

Every day we get more and more data we can use in a more proactive, predictive manner. We are mining our time data and I see even bigger benefits ahead.

It’s really nice to be able to find a time management solution from an expert who not only knows how to do it, but delivers it with exceptional support behind it.

TimeControl’s support and implementation services have been superb. Their customer focus has been tremendous.

TimeControl Industrial is the next generation of Field Data Collection
TimeControl Industrial builds on an already solid architecture to include a number of features that are specific to heavy industry situations. There is a Crew Timesheet entry module, Crew management, Extended Crew Rates, Crew Timesheet approvals, Material / Equipment / Production Entry, approvals and rates, Extended rate management and even an ability to support satellite installations who have no direct Internet connection and who must transfer data back and forth with a centralized TimeControl Industrial environment by physically carrying it out of the field on physical media such as a USB drive.

Integration with powerful project scheduling and cost control tools
TimeControl is the most integrated project timesheet system on the market today. Click to see full-sized image Designed as a highly flexible system, it is able to integrate with multiple project management systems as well as with corporate financial and administration systems and services including HR, Payroll, Billing, Estimating, Job Costing and your ERP. Integrating TimeControl with both your project management and corporate systems allows you to have a single timesheet entry serving multiple purposes.
Des compagnies de toutes les tailles se fie sur TimeControl
Les clients de HMS, qui sont de toutes tailles, proviennent d'un vaste éventail d'industries. Nous sommes fiers d'absolument chacun de nos clients. Notre norme, depuis 1984, consiste à affirmer que tout client est pour nous une bonne référence - et nous avons la clientèle satisfaite qui en fournit la preuve. Notre liste de clients se compose du gratin de l'industrie!
Voici quelques-uns de ces clients, parmi des centaines d'autres: Alcan, CAE Électronique, Cirque du Soleil, EDS, Ericsson, L3 Communications (anciennement Systèmes de défense Bombardier), General Motors, IBM, Crédit Suisse/First Boston, Dofasco Inc., Mercury Marine, Microsoft, Motorola, Stolt Offshore, Transcontinental et Weyerhaeuser.