TimeControl has extensive unlimited functionality for creating reports. Once defined, reports can also be filtered in a virtually unlimited fashion. We have included samples from the different reporting functions of TimeControl on this page but this is just a sample of what you are capable of producing with the TimeControl reporting engines.
There are several methods of outputting TimeControl's data:
TimeControl Report List
TimeControl's What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) Report designer is capable of producing reports on any timesheet data or any table of data within TimeControl. Click to see full-sized image Reports can be tabular or graphical. They can include logos, pictures, charts, pivot tables, calculated fields and more with complete layout and font control over every element. The report format is created using the full-screen TimeControl Report Designer and once created, the report can be viewed by any user who has been given rights to it in our TimeControl Report Interface. Reports in this format can be viewed with any browser or on any device including tablets and smartphones.

Security of the TimeControl Reporting environment is defined in the User Profiles area. First, an Administrator can determine if a user should be able to see any reports at all in Menu Security. Next, the Administrator can define which report formats are visible to which users in Report Security. Even if a user has access to a report format, the data that is visible is defined in the General Security area. Perhaps a user might only be able to see report data from their own department regardless of the format of that report. Click for a full-sized image of this report displayed on an iPad Finally, TimeControl reports even control data down to the field level. Even if a user has access to a particular report format and a collection of data, if there is a field on that report that has been blocked for that user, they will not see it.

Users also get the opportunity of filtering data at run time. Filters can be set in advance by an Administrator or can be dynamically defined at run time. Perhaps, for example, a user will only want to see timesheet data for a range of dates or only for a selection of projects or a particular department of employees. All of this can be defined by the user as the report is generated at run time.
You can bring your reports to the field with the new TimeControl Report Interface. Once a report has been designed, it can be displayed on a wide range of devices, browsers and interfaces. Want to get an update of what hours were posted yesterday on the project while out in the field? Display the results on your iPad or other tablet. Want to see what tasks are pending for the team you're meeting on the project site? Display a pending task and progress list on your SmartPhone.
Schedule Reports
The TimeControl Report Scheduler allows you to create an automatic report that will be sent via email to its intended recipients.

The schedule can include one or numerous reports. Each report can be directed to an email recipient or a group of recipients. The email can be sent as an attachment in PDF, Excel, Word or CSV formats or, if it is too large to email, a link can be sent instead and the report will be stored on the TimeControl server and optionally encrypted. TimeControl's security means that any report created cannot exceed the rights of the user creating it.
Scheduled reports have the potential to dramatically alter the way management interacts with timesheet data. If only exception reports are scheduled, they will only see the report if exceptions are present. This means management can get key decision making information without having to even enter TimeControl.
Missing timesheet report
A special category of report in TimeControl is one of the most popular. The Missing Timesheet report displays a list of timesheets that are either missing, not yet approved or both over a selected time period so that supervisors or administrators can quickly locate those timesheets in order to complete a period. The report contains numerous options and can be distributed to supervisors with the constraint that they can use it only for their own part of the organization.
Timesheet image report
In some cases, it will be required to show a printout of a timesheet looking just as it did when it was entered. The Timesheet Image report does exactly this. A range of employees and timesheet periods are selected and the resulting report appears in our standard spreadsheet format.
Employee Banks Report
The Employee Banks Report is a dynamic view of what happens to the Banks associated to each employee. There are both summary and detailed views. This report is most popular with Human Resources and Resource Manager users as it can show all time off such as vacation, sick leave and personal time along with an auditable list of when that time was taken. This module can then print or export its results. There are also correpsonding reports in the Report List.
Drill-Down Analyzer
TimeControl's Drill-Down Anaylzer is a powerful method of making rapid queries of the TimeControl posted or unposted data. The system presents a preselected list of fields and the ability to add additional fields or additional pre-defined lists. A long optionally filtered list of data is presented in a spreadsheet format. Then, when the user drags any column to the summary bar, the data instantly groups and summarizes by that field. Add a second field and it makes a sub-group. Add a third and there's an instant third level of summary. It has to be experienced to get the full impact so take a quick look at our Online Video lesson on the feature. Drill-Down Analyzer views can be printed or saved as XML or Excel files for additional use.

Example TimeControl Reports
Report samples
Timesheet Images
This report shows multiple timesheet details at a time with the status of the timesheet on the right and the tasks and hours that have been entered per day. Like all TimeControl This report can be filtered in any way desired.
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Hours and Costs by Date/Charge/Employee
TimeControl includes a number of pre-defined reports and allows a virtually unlimited number of user-defined reports. This report shows hours and costs summarized by time period and employee for each charge code.
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Employee / Rate Code hours
TimeControl includes a number of pre-defined reports and allows a virtually unlimited number of user-defined reports. This report shows a summary of costs per project.
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Project Summary by Project Owner
TimeControl includes a number of pre-defined reports and allows a virtually unlimited number of user-defined reports. This report shows a summary of hours and cost per project and within each project per charge code.
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Charge Code List
This simple list shows all charge codes by project along with their Start and End times and their status.
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Assignment Complete by Resource
This report shows different Employees and identified the tasks they were assigned, the budget of that task, the actual work complete and the percent complete. It’s a good format for Project Tracking.
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Employee Hours by Project
This report shows approved and posted hours by project and demonstrates how graphics and text can be merged together in a single TimeControl report to improve visibility of certain data. This shows the comparison of two projects and effort spent on internal work with the details below.
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Project Sign-off
This report combines Time and (for TimeControl Industrial Users) Materials into a single sign off report. Detailed hours and costs per task are displayed along with billing costs and notes. This is the last page of the report showing the signing block.
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Time and Materials Invoice
This report shows both Time and for TimeControl Industrial Users, Materials in a single summary report by task. The report shows quantity and price totals as well as notes from entries.
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Project Budget vs. Actuals
TThis report shows summary information by project including the budgeted hours and costs and totals the values. Like all TimeControl reports, this report could be filtered to show any number of projects.
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Project Hours by Time Period
This report takes hours and displays them across customized time periods. These time periods do not need to be exactly the same length. The Report totals hours by does a similar summary by client.
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Employee Banks Summary by Employee
This report will be of interest for both Human Resources as well as department supervisors as it shows the status in Time Off Banks by Employee. This report is a good audit tool to show the status of Vacation, Sick Leave, Personal Time off and any other banks which have been defined.
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Employee Banks Detail
This is a detailed look at the activities within the bank and is organized by Employee, then by Bank Type then by Time. This is very helpful to supervisors or even individuals to see exactly when they earned time for Vacation, Sick Leave and Personal Time Off and when the took time from those banks and what the balance is for each bank.
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Employee Hours by Year, Quarter, Month
An excellent format for seeing where Employees have worked over time with data grouped by Year then Quarter then Month. This report, like all TimeControl reports can be filtered at run time to show only certain date ranges.
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Charge / Week Ending / Employee Hours Report
Charge / Week Ending / Employee Hours Report TimeControl includes a number of pre-defined reports and allows a virtually unlimited number of user-defined reports. This report shows data summarized by charge number and week.
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