Hyde Park Solutions
Warwick Innovation Centre | Warwick Technology Park | Warwickshire | CV34 6UW | UK
T: +44 203 17 400 70 | E: info@hydeparksolutions.com W: www.hydeparksolutions.com
Our Reference: 05-05-LT-00143-TimecontrolTestimonial_1 20/11/2018
Dear Rosario,
RE: Use of TimeControl
Hyde Park Solutions is a UK company that resells a wide range of Oracle’s Primavera products and provides consulting and integration services associated with the software. The company first purchased TimeControl Online in 2016 to handle time recording for staff working on a large consultancy project in the UK, to replace a largely manual system based on spreadsheets.
Over the past 2 years the company has grown by acquisition and now has over 20 staff working at various locations in the UK, Europe, India and the USA. All members of the company book their time through TimeControl every day and the system is used regularly to generate manhour reports to support the billing on all contracts. Given the rapid expansion in staff numbers and their wide geographical spread it would be quite impossible to provide reporting to the level of detail required and with such a short turnaround unless we were using an online system of this type.
As the person who was responsible for the selection of the product and its initial configuration I was impressed with the features and its flexibility to accommodate with ease the complexities of the contract for which it was originally acquired; since then we have continued to be very happy with the level of support, the frequency with which enhancements appear, and low level of effort required to maintain the system as we grow the company and take on new business. Using the system is an integral part of everybody’s day, and we would be lost without it.
Yours sincerely
Richard Jebb
Chief Technology Officer