Working as a manufacturer and R&D company, we are using TimeControl for over 5 years. Since we have close to 50 employees, it's essential to be able to keep track of employee's time. TimeControl allows supervisors to be able to check and approve the time of their respective employees. TimeControl is also very flexible since it's possible to create several time codes. This makes it easy for the employee to select the correct code to be able to enter their time. Additionally, employees working on research and development can easily record tehir time spent on specific projects. A report can be generated at any time in order to know the total number of hours executed on a specific project.
What is most striking about this software is that it's very easy to use. A simple 5 minutes training session is necessary for new employees to familiarize them with this software because TimeControl is so easy to use.
TimeControl also offers an exceptional support service! Quick and clear answers are always given to us.
We are completely satisfied with doing business with TimeControl.
Cassandra, Accounting
705 Avenue Montirichard
QC, Canada, J2X 5K8