380 Saint-Antoine Street West, Suite 7500
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y 3X7
Montreal, October 9, 2018
SUBJECT: Letter of Recommendation for TimeControl
We have used TimeControl already for 5 years. We are an organizations of 30 employees specialized in the worldwide sales of data collection systems for the electrochemical industry. We had need of a system which could account for time spent on client projects as well as Research and Development. There are very strict requirements for time tracking for Research and Development Tax Credits and thanks to TimeControl we are in a position to respond to these requirements. It is one of the only timesheet software systems that was able to be configured to our specific needs.
In addition, this software does very well at managing overtime and our vacation time and I’d like to highlight the excellent support service we’ve received.
I can recommend TimeControl without hesitation.
Best Regards,
Marie-Lyne Vachon
Controleure Financier